Small print that is hardly fine at all


Dear Readers: Today's Sound Off is about a craft store's coupons:

"A fabric store sends out 'valuable coupons' for its patrons to use. At first glance, the deals look amazing, offering as much as 60 percent off the total purchase.

"Reading the fine print-and believe me, it's really, really fine-you'll see that anything you might consider using the coupon for is exempt from the discount! Listed on each coupon can be as many as 25-plus categories/items.

"The items listed are printed in the tiniest font possible. I used a magnifying glass just to read it! 

Even my son, whose vision is fine, couldn't believe the font used on the coupons."-Anna A. in San Antonio



Dear Heloise: In March 2013, you printed a hint about supporting the nonprofit Operation Care and Comfort, which sends care packages to deployed troops.

I've since discovered the address you provided then is no longer valid. The new address is:

Operation Care and Comfort

c/o American Red Cross

2731 North First Street

San Jose, CA 95134

Thanks!-Beth, via email 

Beth, thanks for the update.

 King Features Syndicate



egave me the following websites, for those of you who prefer going that route. Here is a list:




Dear Heloise: A few weeks ago, you posted other uses for gripping shelf liner, and I wanted to thank you for the soap-dish hint.

My bar of soap kept falling out of the "cutout" soap dish in my shower stall. I had some leftover liner, so I cut a small piece to fit in the soap dish. Now the bar stays put, and if I ever have to clean the liner, I simply take it out of the dish and wring it a few times under the water spray.

Again, thanks for the wonderful hint! So simple, but not necessarily so obvious!-Frankie H., via email



Dear Heloise: I'm a retired teacher and am always trying to find different ways to reinforce my middle-school-age grandchildren's academic skills. I recently acquired a catalog from a local office-supply store and used it to reinforce many math, reading and language skills.

The great thing is that the children actually enjoy looking through it, so it was easy to follow along and ask questions related to a certain page's content. They know that I love learning and will try to fit in some "learning time" while we're together. I make it fun, and they seem to enjoy it.-Gam in Minnesota




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