Things to remember when making 911 calls; people love letters


Dear Readers: What situations call for a call to 911? All, some, or you aren't sure? Here are some hints for you and your family to help determine if you need to call, and what to do if you do.

You see an automobile accident, especially with injuries. A medical emergency-someone having a heart attack; a woman going into labor; a co-worker has an accident and is hurt. A crime. Yes to all.

When you call, try to be calm. It will be hard, but stop for a second and take several deep breaths. Tell the operator the LOCATION (the corner of Fifth and Elm; the Tower Building, 10th floor; 123 Street, the blue house). Give the PHONE NUMBER you are calling from. This is especially important if calling from a cellphone. They don't know EXACTLY where you are! This is not a TV time "crime" show. Trust me.

If you're not sure you need 911, CALL. The emergency operator will talk you through to determine if your situation is a true emergency. They have heard it all!

Oh, and if you or your child accidentally dials 911, don't hang up! Stay on the line and explain what happened. They must check out the call and will call the number back, if possible.-Heloise

P.S.: Do not text 911-it will not be received.



Dear Heloise: You are absolutely right about handwritten letters (HELOISE HERE: From a previous column)!

I am an incurable letter-writer, and always have been. I write for the pure joy of it, and as I write, I imagine the expression on the recipient's face as she or he reads it.

Thanks for the reminder that we can "make someone's day" for 49 cents! I hope I made YOUR day!-Nona G., Hartley, Texas

Dear Nona: You did!-Hugs, Heloise



Dear Heloise: I read your column in the Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal.

I've had a problem on past occasions with dropping my can of hair spray.

It dropped on the spray nozzle, cracking it so that it cannot be used. I now take off the nozzle on a can when it's empty, rinse it out and set it in my comb drawer.

If I drop another can and break the nozzle, I have a replacement handy. It will allow me to finish the can instead of throwing it away.-Louise A., Lubbock, Texas

A Texas gal, for sure!-Heloise


Dear Heloise: I took an antibacterial disposable kitchen wipe, squeezed out the excess moisture, went around my home and carefully wiped down all of my plastic switch plates and switches. They tend to get dirty, with two teenagers in the house. Fresh and clean!-Lizzy B., Fall River, Mass.



Dear Heloise: In school zones and "speed traps," I drive two to five miles below the speed limit. This pretty much ensures I won't get pulled over.-Ron B., San Bernardino, Calif.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to [email protected]. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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