Summer vacation for another kind of education


Dear Heloise: My husband and I have very young children, and we decided years ago to take our children on family vacations that would educate them as well as provide enjoyment. Right here in America and Canada, we have so many natural wonders and historical places to see. This year, we plan to take the kids to some of the Civil War battlefields and discuss the history of that era with them. A vacation can be both fun and informative, and can broaden the mind of a child.-Rebecca B., Niles, Ill.

Rebecca, what a great idea! There is so much of American history that most Americans don't know about, so this is a terrific way to combine a history lesson with fun.-Heloise




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Dear Heloise: I recently graduated from college, and as a graduation gift, my grandmother gave me a handwritten letter that her father gave her on her graduation from college. It was written in 1955, and I have it framed and on my wall above my desk to remind me daily of the words that are as true today as they were in 1955:


These are Rules to Live By

  • Work at something you enjoy, something worth your time and talents. You never know you might be doing that job 10 or 20 years down the road.
  • Have a grateful heart.
  • Practice self-discipline. Save money, no matter how modest your salary. Discipline yourself to not overeat or overspend. Exercise a little every day.
  • Take good care of the people and pets you love.
  • Be honest, be a person of integrity, be loyal.
  • Vote. Many have died to ensure you have this privilege.
  • Take responsibility for yourself, your life and actions.
  • Be bold, be brave and have courage. At the end of your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do much more than the things you did.
  • Remember to be happy, be optimistic. You won't find these in power or possessions. They're in a person's character and view of life. Never forget to count your blessings.

-Katherine W., Ann Arbor, Mich.


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