Garden seedlings get a head start in egg cartons; snails have fatal attraction to beer


Dear Heloise: Right about now, many people start to think of spring gardening. 

To get seedlings started, I cut off the lid to an egg carton (foam or cardboard) and use the individual egg slots. I place dirt in each egg holder and plant two or three seeds in them. When it's time to plant, I carefully lift out the plants, soil and all. Not only do I get a start on my garden, but it's a wonderful way to introduce my children to the enjoyment of gardening.-Patricia R., Stanton, Calif.

Patricia, this is a two-for hint! You also are reusing the cartons for something else! The foam egg cartons are perfect for craft projects, especially potentially messy ones like watercolors or finger paints.-Heloise



Dear Heloise: Snails and slugs are a real problem in my yard, but I hate to use chemicals to get rid of them. Instead, I take an old pie plate and set it into the ground so that the edge of the plate is level with the ground. Then I fill the plate with beer! Snails are attracted to beer and will crawl into the beer and die.-Tiffany L., Mansfield, Ohio

Tiffany, this tried-and-true hint is an old one, going way, way back. Yes, readers, I know that snails and slugs do add to the environment, but this reader chooses NOT to have them in her garden.-Heloise



Dear Heloise: Here are a few hints my mother taught me when I was learning to garden:

  • Used coffee grounds have a neutral pH and can be used as fertilizer. Be sure to work it well into the soil around plants.
  • Soak used tea bags in a gallon of water overnight. Using this "weak tea" seems to help plants, too.-Amelia B., Fort Worth, Texas



Dear Readers: With two adopted dogs-Chammy, a silky wheaten, and Henry VIII, a small mini-schnauzer (he weighs only 14 pounds)-running in and out of the doggy door, it can get a little messy at times. At the first sign of rain or damp weather, I put a large microfiber bath towel in front of the doggy door. It acts like a "walk-off mat" and catches most of the debris on their paws.

When it's a heavy rain or a rain that goes on for a day or two, I put down several. It's easy to pick them up and pop them into the washer and dryer for next time.-"Woof, woof," Chammy and Henry VIII



Dear Heloise: I live in a small apartment with very few windows to bring in sunlight. I used several mirrors around my apartment to give the illusion of a bigger space. The fireplace is seldom used, so I put some mirrors in there, added a few "fake" green plants, and it sort of brings the outdoors indoors. One mirror hanging in an alcove reflects the natural light from a window on the opposite wall.-Hazel R., Athens, Ga.


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