Some cards provide credit score


Dear Heloise: I've noticed now that my credit card bill comes with my credit score. What gives?-Helen R. in Pennsylvania

Helen, this is a fairly new service that some credit card companies provide. It can be easier to look for mistakes on your report when you see your score every month, but scores can vary from card to card, due to how the scores are calculated.

It's still a good idea to request your free credit report once a year from one of the major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian or TransUnion. Here's how:

Visit, call 877-322-8228, or write:

Annual Credit Report Request Service

P.O. Box 105281

Atlanta, GA 30348-5281




Dear Heloise: My energy company states on an insert in my bill that to save money, I should set my thermostat at 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to cool, and 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to warm. These are guidelines, of course; you may need to adjust for comfort.-A Reader, via email



Dear Heloise: Those small, battery-operated tea lights are the solution to burning candles, not only at Christmas, but at any time.

They flicker like real flames, I never have to replace burned-out candles, and, most importantly, if I forget to turn them off, no big deal-no danger of fire!-Hillery, via email

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