Tiny Houses: Arkansas-side should welcome smaller homes

Arkansas-side should welcome smaller homes

The "tiny house" movement has caught on across the U.S.

And now it looks like much smaller houses might be catching on in Texarkana.

A tiny house is generally considered to be fewer that 400 square feet. Sometimes much less. They can be stationary or portable.

Tiny house advocates say they are better for the Earth because they take up less land and require less water, gas and electricity to run, this benefitting the environment.

They are easier on the pocketbook as well, costing much less to build and live in. Those who live in tiny houses also say the simplified lifestyle-not too many of the possessions most of us take for granted can fit in a house with just a few-hundred square feet-adds a spiritual aspect as well. Living with less allows more focus on what's really important in life.

The problem for those who decide to give up the big house and downsize is that many cities have restrictions of just how small a home can be built and a minimum requirement for lot size. That usually means tiny houses must be located outside the city limits.

The Texarkana, Ark., Board of Directors is considering adopting new land-use rules that would make things easier for tiny houses to be built in the city.

In our view it's a good idea.

Living large is an ambition for most people.
But there should be consideration for those
who want to takes things down a notch-even several notches. Both lifestyles can and should
be accommodated in our city. A tiny house
might not be for everyone, but those who desire such a simpler life shouldn't be forced to move out to the country if they don't want to.

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