Unsolved Mystery: FBI releases file on legendary Bigfoot

With the premiere of the restored "Legend of Boggy Creek" approaching Friday at the Perot Theatre, the timing couldn't have been better.

This week, the FBI released a 22-page file from more than four decades ago showing it assisted a researcher in the quest to determine whether the legendary Bigfoot was real or just a myth.

As it turns out, a man named Peter Byrne, who at the time directed the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition in Oregon, had some hair and tissue samples he was pretty confident came from a Sasquatch.

In 1976, the samples were sent to the FBI lab for analysis. Now, the agency doesn't normally do things like that, but they made an exception. A year later the results came in-they were from deer.

So the mystery continues, just like the mystery of the Fouke Monster.

By the way, Byrne is still alive. And at 92 he's still a believer.

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