Where where you? | Can you recall when you first heard Kennedy had been assassinated?

Nov. 22 will mark 56 years since that terrible day in Dallas when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Many readers are old enough to remember when and where they first heard the tragic news.

Where were you when you heard that President John F. Kennedy had been killed? Do you recall your thoughts or emotions at the time?

Send your response (50 words maximum) to [email protected] by Wednesday, Nov. 13. You can also mail your response to the Texarkana Gazette Friday Poll, at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504 or drop it off at our office, 101 E. Broad St., Texarkana, Ark. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. We will print as many responses as we can in next Friday's paper.


Last Week: Local or Online?

Last week's question was about Christmas shopping. Do you do most of your holiday shopping with local merchants or is more of your shopping done online? Why do you choose to shop the way you do?

I do all my Christmas shopping local, my wife orders most of hers. I like looking around and listening to the stores playing Christmas music, and shopping. I'm the only man I know who likes to shop and who likes to go to the mall and look around. However, I never shop before Thanksgiving, period.-B.J., Texarkana, Texas

For my holiday shopping I do both online and local. My online shopping is for the unique gift(s) you can't find locally. But then I always buy something from a local merchant to complement the unique gift(s). Everybody wins!-J.B., Texarkana, Arkansas


From www.facebook.com/texarkanagazette

Frankly a lot of the stuff I buy I buy online. No one local sells a lot of the stuff I purchase. But at the same time even in Houston or Dallas the stuff I typically buy at, those stores are closing. I buy what I can locally.

This year (because of traffic and no police controlling) we are buying online.

Both and I buy all year! Almost done!

40 percent online tops. The rest in person locally. I like in person much more. Sometimes you can't buy certain things in town though. Specific sports teams for example.

I do most of my Christmas shopping online I went Black Friday shopping one time and I said never again.

Us retailers would love to see your faces!

I like online as I am busy.

I do both.

Online because crowded stores really stress me out

Online. Get what I want with less hassle!

Online. I can easily find exactly what I want for the best price and no hassle.

Online because there's more of a variety but at the same time, I'm not able to try on things before buying. Overall, I hate being cold so I'd rather stay home and order online vs going out in nasty weather.

Amazon is so easy, but I do local as well. Definitely avoiding Chinese merchandise as best I can this year! Reading labels.


Local, definitely!

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