Letters to the Editor: Minimum wage and Voting rights

Minimum wage



Doubling the minimum wage has good and bad effects on the average American. This is an issue that no one in the media is examining honestly and completely. When was the last time we doubled the minimum wage and what happened when we did it? It was the 1970's and that decade ended with twenty percent inflation and double digit unemployment at the same time which was the worst recession since the Great Depression, not the Bush/Obama recession.

If you raise the minimum wage, are any more products or services produces? The answer is obviously no. So that means that the average person gets no more goods or services for their money which means there is no increase in standard of living. In fact, the standard of living for the average person whether working or on welfare goes down. In you are working, you will now pay a higher percentage of your money to the various government agencies in the form of higher taxes. As a result, you get a standard of living decrease because you get to keep a smaller percentage of your money. If you are on welfare or any other fixed income, you get a standard of living decrease as well because your inflated money is now worth less. The corrupt government becomes even more powerful and we the people are further down the road into the slavery of Socialism. You never hear the truth about raising the minimum wage from any in the media or much less the politicians, do you?

Let's not just double the minimum wage, let's raise it to a hundred dollars an hour. Then the people on welfare will have to get a job, our nation can afford to pay off the national debt, and everybody can share in paying income taxes. The bonus is that our people will learn a lesson they will not soon forget.

Think people and stop letting others do your thinking for you!

Robert Worthen

Texarkana, Texas



Voting rights



The upcoming general election for president of the United States holds great questions and answers for the future of minorities. 

The powers of a democracy comes from the voting rights of all citizens regardless to race, creed or color of one's skin. Black pioneers paid an untold price of humility and pain of humility and pain to secure this rights for all minorities. It is a matter of records that many Black Americans fail to exercise their voting rights for whatever reasons. 

This letter's purpose is to give minority citizens an open view point of voter awareness. I personally take heed of the significance of the Democratic Party which has shown the best interest to unite equal justice. Women's rights has given Americans another option to elect a woman candidate to be president of the United States. 

This historic election has captured the views of many because of whatever reasons. Black Americans have followed the pattern of voting not for any handouts but opportunities to be a part of the American dream.

Morris Neighbors

Atlanta, Texas.

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