Letter to the Editor: America in trouble


After watching President Trump's message to Congress, I really didn't pay attention to anything else but his speech. Then I decided to watch it again and was amazed that so many Democrats, libs, and rino's acted like children. It was a disgrace to them and to the office of the president. Do they think they are so self-righteous that they are immune from terrorist or violence that is taking over America. Most of the violence is coming from those who don't have a clue what they are protesting. Cities and states need to pass laws if you are arrested for destruction you will pay to have that place of business restored and do hard time. If you block a road and get run over the driver should not be held responsible.

Those in Congress need to unite and take care of America. If they don't, they need to be held accountable to all the businesses, drivers and citizens for incighting the riots and disruption. They are passing up the greatest time in America to be doing the Lord's work. They need to be showing our children how to unite and work together for the good of America.

I truly believe God placed Trump and Pence in the White House because of Obama turning against Israel and the state in which he brought evil to our children and America. We all need to be doing the Lord's work and be in prayer for all.

Our representatives need to use the prayer room in the Rotunda of the Capitol and get their priorities straight. They need to seek divine strength and guidance in public affairs. Churches need to be worried about the lost instead of soft preaching and filling the pews using rock music and loud bands. The pews will fill when God's powerful word of salvation is preached and lived.

May the Lord be with our leaders and watch over them and put a hedge of protection around them ad their families. America let's get it right this time we will never have another opportunity like now before it is to late. We only get so many chances before the Lord returns.

Miriam Mills

Nash, Texas

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