Letter to the Editor: Worth the risk?

Worth the risk?



Many of us don't seem to realize how good we have it in the USA. Compared to anywhere else in the world, the opportunity to have a good and fulfilling life is unparalleled. Yet, it seems that many of us have been brainwashed to believe that is not the case. And that is the reason, our very existence as a free and affluent society hangs in the balance. I believe there are a handful of greedy and power hungry multi-billionaires that are trying to take over our country by misleading many people into believing their lies. These misguided people have become their useful idiots in pushing the multi-billionaire agenda. We were warned by our founders from the beginning to be on guard against those who would take our freedoms away from us. Here are two examples of which we can look at and hopefully learn.

1. 20 years ago the richest country in South America voted in a Democratic Socialist. Now Venezuela is the poorest country in South America with people literally starving in the streets. Socialism sounds good to fools but never ends well for the average citizen!

2. The Mexican government owns all of the natural resources in Mexico which makes them in effect a socialist country. Since Mexico is one of the world's leading producers of both oil and silver, you would think the average Mexican would be well off. But no, the minimum wage in Mexico is $4 a day and the average worker makes less than $1 an hour. The vast majority of the wealth is siphoned off by the corrupt government officials. The Mexican people vote but no matter who or what they vote for, Carlos Slim and his cohorts still rule over them, controlling the government and therefore the wealth.

From what is happening, I believe multi-billionaires have taken over the dishonest media and the Democrat Party. And they are not far from taking over our whole country through the empty promises of the Democratic Socialists unless we recognize the threat and stop them now. What other reason do these extremely rich men have to invest billions of dollars into the dishonest news media and the Democrat Party? President Trump is fighting them and thankfully the average citizen instinctively knows he is on their side. Maybe I am wrong, but what happens if I am right? Is it worth the risk?

Robert Worthen

Texarkana, Texas

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