Sevier County Library celebrates Banned Book Week

The freedom to read is highlighted during "Banned Book Week," De Queen, Ark., librarian Carolyn Jones said.

The theme is "A library without a book is like a body without a soul," she said.

"Banned Book Week is an annual event celebrating our freedom to read. It highlights the value of free and open access to information," Jones said.

"Banned Book Week is supported by librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers and readers who share the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those ideas that some consider unorthodox or unpopular," she said.

"In the past decade, an estimated 5,099 challenges were reported to the Office of Intellectual Freedom. Challenges can be made due to sexually explicit material, offensive language, material deemed unsuited to a particular age group, violence or any other reason," Jones said.

"Many of these books and some that many consider classics, like 'Alice in Wonderland' have been banned in other countries and if we don't defend the First Amendment, books could be banned in America," she said.

Residents are encouraged to stop by the Sevier County Library and have their picture taken for checking out a banned book.

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