Submit an Obit

Submit an Obit

The Texarkana Gazette publishes standard and paid obituaries, with or without a photo, daily in the newspaper and online.

Standard obits are listed at no charge. They are sent by funeral homes in almost all cases and edited to fit a common format. For more information, call (870) 330-7644 and ask for the obituary clerk. Fax standard obits to (870) 330-7570 and email a photo to [email protected]. Please call (870) 330-7644, by 3 p.m. to confirm receipt.

Paid obituaries can be tailored. They must be sent through funeral homes, and some restrictions may apply. Call (870) 330-7550, and select option 2, to find out more. A paid obit and photo can be emailed to [email protected].

All obits run in the same alphabetized listing online, but paid obits are marked as such.

The Gazette must get all obituaries meant for the next day’s edition by 3 p.m.