Girl Scout Cookie season again gets empowering with new cookie

One of the new Lemon-Ups flavor Girl Scout Cookies (with one bite removed). (David J. Neal/Miami Herald/TNS)
One of the new Lemon-Ups flavor Girl Scout Cookies (with one bite removed). (David J. Neal/Miami Herald/TNS)

A new flavor and new messaging join the old standards hawked at tables outside supermarkets by enterprising girls as a new Girl Scout Cookie season starts.

Thin Mints, Trefoils, Samoas, yeah, yeah, yeah, you probably know about those.

What's new? Lemon-Ups, what's on Lemon-Ups and the packaging around Lemon-Ups (and Thin Mints, Trefoils, Samoas and Tagalongs).

First, the Lemon-Up cookie itself, soft on top but given crunchiness with a smooth, iced bottom. The softness on top contrasts with the messages encouraging going forth and conquering, such as "I am gutsy," "I am strong" and "I am a risk-taker."

The Girl Scouts say the messages are "inspired by Girl Scout entrepreneurs" and are "phases that bring the experience of Girl Scouting to life."

Lemon-Ups packaging includes girls in hard hats and eye guards handling a solar panel outside a house. Each refashioned pack shows some activity available through Girl Scouts - camping, canoeing, creating media content, etc.

Girl Scout cookies sell or $5 or $6 a box, depending on variety.

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