Extended Guidelines | President now says social distancing recommended through month of April

Getting cabin fever from COVID-19 isolation?

Sit back and try to cope. It's going to last at least a month longer.

On Monday, President Donald Trump extended the government's recommended timeline for social distancing to the end of April.

The president had previously speculated that the country would be open for business again by Easter. Most, if not all, public health officials disagreed and thought that day was much too soon. Ending mostly self-imposed isolation too soon could lead to more infections.

The president listened and now many businesses, including restaurants, bars and other gathering spots, will likely stay closed for the next month and we can all expect to spend a lot of time at home.

Many people won't be happy about that. Especially those whose livelihood is in jeopardy by the quarantine. We sympathize.

But it can't be helped. We hope the social distancing and quarantine recommendations only last through April. We hope things are under control by the beginning of May and we can all start the road to whatever the new normal brings.

Understand, though, we can't count on it. It could take longer to get the COVID-19 outbreak under control.

If we all do our part, maybe this will all end sooner rather than later.

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