IN OUR VIEW | Still Waiting: Washington, focus on second stimulus

Hey there Washington. America calling.

You know, the people you work for.

We know things are hectic up there with the election and all. Most of you, from President Trump down to senators and representatives, are all caught up in fighting over unproven claims of fraud in the November 3 election.

But there's something else you should be looking at.

709,000 filed for unemployment the week before last. More than 750,000 filed the week before that.

Real Americans who no longer have jobs.

They join a large number of folks who have been without work for months or weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Business owners, too, are hurting. Lots of closings, even bankruptcies. It's especially hard on small-business owners.

The holidays are coming up. And they look to be grim for a lot of us.

We've been waiting, longer and more patiently than we should have to, for you elected public servants to get your act together, negotiate and compromise, and pass a second stimulus bill.

And we're still waiting.

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