CHEERS AND JEERS | Letters from August 8, 2020

JEERS: To the Texarkana, Texas, city officials. What are you doing? You are in effect telling minorities that they are not smart enough to get a better than passing grade on the test to become a Texas-side firefighter. So, you will add 10 points if they get a grade of 70. You probably do not mean for it to sound this way, but it is an insult nonetheless and condescending. - P.A., Texarkana, Texas


JEERS: To Our View, August 5. Prior to signing national park's bill, Trump has done little to preserve public lands and or reduce pollution. He pushed to open Arctic National Wildlife refuge to offshore oil drilling, cut more than 2 million acres from Utah National Monuments Bears Ears and Grand Staircase, pushed for new offshore drilling along entire West Coast. Weakened rule to raise gas mileage standard, allowed more mercury pollution by power plants, withdrew U.S. from Paris Agreement, falsely claimed wind turbines caused cancer. - J.B., Texarkana, Arkansas

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