CHEERS & JEERS | Letters from Sept. 19, 2020

JEERS: Does Texarkana have a "loud music" law? If so, it needs to be enforced. Some people play their music so loud, you can hear it inside your vehicle with all windows rolled up. - M.R.N., Texarkana, Arkansas


JEERS: To so many of the locally/regionally owned restaurants and businesses for not making COVID-19 a priority. I took my mother and grandmother to eat at a local chicken restaurant this past weekend, only 1 of the 6-10 people working had on a mask! We almost left because of the total lack of respect for the community and consumers. Our local businesses needs to step it up and do a better job of trying to protect the very people that keep them in business. All of the major chain restaurants and businesses have a mask mandate, I for one will start going to those places until this is over. - L.G., Maud, Texas


JEERS: Is there a virus, (other than COVID), infecting Americans, that destroys the brain's ability for common-sense thought? How do we explain, supposedly sane executives of businesses, that became prosperous because of private property ownership, under a free-enterprise system, who now verbally and financially support self-proclaimed Marxists, (e.g. BLM) whose god is Karl Marx? The first to justify violence, to take private property, (including their businesses), and place them under an atheistic Communist government. How? They have been infected by a spiritual virus - spread by Satan, and his puppets. - D.H.M., Texarkana, Arkansas

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