When should child get a phone?


Dear Readers: When is the right time to give your child a cellphone? 

  • Maturity of the child is more important than age. Internet access can be a great learning tool, but two hours a day on the phone's apps is more than enough. Know what apps are on the phone, and make sure the child will use the phone appropriately. NO phone usage in class, unless there's an emergency.
  • The child must understand about giving location information (commonly called "tagging" or "checking in"). Strangers can know where your child is.
  • Absolutely no use of the phone while driving.
  • For younger children, consider a pared-down model-internet access may not be necessary.
  • Talk to your provider about safety measures you can use for your child's phone. The camera and in-app purchases features may not be necessary.




Dear Heloise: Did I read that apple-cider vinegar works as a hair treatment?-Alison I., Hershey, Pa.

Alison, yes! Apple-cider vinegar is a hair helper. Mixed 1:1 with water, it removes tangles and soapy residue. It also can close the cuticle of the hair, which will make the hair shine.-Heloise



Dear Heloise: I love the recent hint about giving children new words to track down. But don't forget to teach them how to pronounce the words, too!-A Reader, via email


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