EDITORIAL/Cancel Culture? Dilbert creator brought woes upon himself

In this country you have freedom of speech.

But, as has been noted over and over again, you do not have freedom from consequences.

Consider Scott Adams. He's the creators of the popular comic strip Dilbert. The strip has long been a feature in many newspapers across the country, including this one.

It will no longer be a feature in many newspapers across the country, including this one.

We may never know why Adams chose on Wednesday to take to YouTube with a racist rant. Suffice it to say he did. We won't go into the details of his hateful screed. You can seek that out for yourself if interested.

Since then hundreds of newspaper have decided to stop running Dilbert.

Adams has defended his words. And implied on Twitter that he's victim of "cancel culture."

He's not. Adams has a right to his opinions. He has a right to voice them. No one stopped him.

But he has no right to expect anyone else to give him a venue or to continue any association with him.

He has no one to blame but himself.

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