Cheers and Jeers

JEERS: The quote in last Saturday's Cheers and Jeers supposedly quoting Joe Biden admitting to voter fraud, was taken out of context. His statement was about preventing voter fraud. The right jumped on it and claimed Biden admitted to voter fraud. He did no such thing. His comments were about an organization designed to help people vote in the upcoming election, and not be intimidated by Trump's claims about voter fraud and how their votes won't count. Trump was complaining about voter fraud before anybody actually cast a vote. That should tell you something. -- R.M., Texarkana, Arkansas

JEERS: NAACP's Texas Education chairwoman's comments were inaccurate such as "Senate Bill 3 is the most racist legislation I've seen in 30 Years. It eliminates history and makes it where you cannot talk about Jim Crow and what happens today." A simple online search shows that this bill requires that the 13th, 14th, and 19th amendments to the U S Constitution are required study as well as Civil Rights Act of 1964. The chairwoman has an agenda but it has little to do with advancing black students education. -- L.O., Texarkana, Texas

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