Empty calories create future risk for children

Participants in kettlebell competitions are judged on how well they're able to hold the bell over their head while their body achieves "fixation," with all joints locked and their posture in alignment. Failing to hold that position earns them a "no-count."

Luckily, helping your children avoid no-count foods is a lot less difficult and comes with no risks to muscles or bones! So why aren't you doing it, Mom and Dad?

According to a paper presented at NUTRITION 2020, one-fourth of the calories children consume are no-count nutritionally! Researchers found added sugars and solid fats were the main culprits, with younger children getting additional empty calories from fruit drinks and flavored milks, while adolescents are devouring them in pizzas, sodas and sweet baked goods.

Such poor nutrition is a direct route to obesity and premature high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis - even hearing loss. It also triggers inflammation that damages the immune system, brain and digestion.

Mom and Dad, if your kids are eating no-count calories, we bet you are, too. So it's time to take steps to protect your children's health and improve yours!

 Nix drive-thrus, sodas and sugary foods.

 Pressed for time? Prepare large batches of healthy soups (split pea, gazpacho, chicken noodle) or stews (chicken with whole-wheat pasta and veggies) once a week.

 Get the whole family to pitch in with grocery shopping and cooking.

 Great recipes are available in Dr. Mike's "What to Eat When Cookbook."


Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of "The Dr. Oz Show," and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into "The Dr. Oz Show" or visit sharecare.com.


(c)2020 Michael Roizen, M.D.

and Mehmet Oz, M.D.


King Features Syndicate

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