Protect your credit card info


Dear Heloise: I gave my credit card to the girl at the fast food window, and then she got her phone out and was texting, or she could have been taking a picture of the back of my card, which has all the pertinent info on it: the 16 digit account number, the expiration date, my name and that three digit security code.

This made me nervous, so I called the card company. They said I am not responsible for any unauthorized charges, I can freeze my card on their website, and the phone representatives can always help. - Robin T. in Tennessee

Robin, the vast majority of service workers are honest and would not take a picture of your credit card, but if you got an uneasy feeling, it's a good idea to check the account and make sure everything is OK. - Heloise


Tech Talk
Dear Readers: If you watch a lot of videos online, you may already know what a screen grab is. It's one frame of video used to illustrate the content of the video.

Many times, the host or producer of the video may use a picture that is contrary to the tone of the content of the video just to "grab" your attention! - Heloise


Mail Fail
Dear Heloise:
I was wanting to lessen the amount of email I get. My email provider on my desktop application will allow me to right-click and block all future emails from the unwanted sender, and also delete all current emails that maybe I haven't read yet. - Mel R. in New York


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