IN OUR VIEW | Landmark Legislation: President Trump signs major conservation, job-creating bill

While COVID-19 and the negotiations over a second stimulus dominate the headlines, there is more in the news. One thing in particular you may have overlooked but is pretty important to the nation and the environment.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed what has been called the most significant conservation bill in decades.

The Great American Outdoors Act passed with a majority from both parties in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. It provides about $6.6 billion over five years for repairs and maintenance to national parks and other public lands. About $3 billion over five years will be divided up by various agencies, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.

Another significant provision directs about $900 million a year to the chronically underfunded Land and Water Conservation Fund. This funding is permanent.

There's more. The legislation is expected to create around 100,000 new and temporary jobs as well as boost revenue through increased tourism.

"Today, we're making the most significant investment in our park since the administration of the legendary conservationist President Theodore Roosevelt," President Trump announced at Tuesday's signing ceremony.

We agree. And we are happy to see Democrats and Republicans in Congress working together, and with President Trump, to bring this legislation to fruition.

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