Letters to the Editor: Start again and Fed up

Start again



The arrival of the fist captives to the Jamestown Colony in 1619 is often seen as the beginning of slavery in America. In late August, 1619, the White Lion, and English privateer commanded by John Jape, sailed into Port Comfort and dropped anchor in the James River.

The ship had embarked with about 350 Africans on board, but hunger and disease took a swift toll en route and about 150 captives died.

The 400th anniversary of slavery in America! Should we celebrate? Do a march? Protest? Right now it's not a good time for anything. Too many problems and no solutions. COVID-19, police problems, unemployment. America is in fear. Look at the eyes behind the masks. Eyes are the mirror to the soul.

Let us all come together and do a worldwide, down on our knees and pray to our Father to save us! Let's learn each other all over again. If we knew each other, we would not hurt each other.

Raydeen Edwards

Atlanta, Texas


Fed up



Frankly, I'm fed up with what is happening in our country. People from the lowest echelons to the upper level "elites" including elected officials in all political parties are blatantly breaking the law or refusing to enforce the law. I thought our country was coming together following Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Color. I remember a song in Sunday School when I was about five or six years old: "Red, yellow, Black and white, they are precious in His sight."

Many American citizens made sacrifices and some sacrificed their lives to fulfill Dr. King's dream of judging based on character and not color. In the past 10-12 years we are seeing that dream fall apart and tremendous disrespect shown to those people of all colors who sacrificed to make us all one people.

The followers of Saul Alinsky and his book "Rules for Radicals" are very much directing what we are seeing on the streets and in the different levels of government.

If "we the people" (American citizens from all walks of life) don't get off our rear ends and start working now to regain control of our government and put people in office who will work for us in this next general election, the unique country in which we grew up and had so many opportunities to personally excel is doomed to a socialist system which has never worked and the generations following us will pay a heavy price and have no opportunities to freely follow their own desires.

Charles Blankenship

Texarkana, Texas

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