CHEERS & JEERS | Letters from Nov. 21, 2020

JEERS: To the gutless wonders in the Republican Senate and Trump for not putting the country, national security and a smooth transition before Trumps ultra ego. What a shame he hasn't the character to initiate a smooth transition for Biden like the gracious Obama afforded him. - J.B., Texarkana, Arkansas


JEERS: Could anyone have imagined that in America we would allow hypocritical, all-wise, all-knowing bureaucrats dictating an arbitrary number of family members we could have in our own home during the holidays? - M.M.T., Texarkana, Texas


CHEERS: "God is in control." This truth is being heard often, as America's troubles worsen. Although God is sovereign, and He has pre-determined a glorious outcome, it will only be for those submissive to Him. For He has also willed that man is free to choose, and because more are choosing wrong, we are in this state. JEERS to those responsible for the increasing deception over 60 plus years, intensifying recently, as revealed by the number who prefer to be led by today's Democrats-forming goals that require the rejection of God's word, and silencing of those adhering to it. - D.H.M., Texarkana, Arkansas


Cheers and Jeers are published each Saturday on the Opinion Page of the Texarkana Gazette.

Cheers and Jeers must be limited to 100 words or less, and may be edited for length and legal considerations. No personal attacks, business/commercial, or consumer complaint Cheers or Jeers will be printed.

You may submit your Cheers and Jeers to us at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504; by fax at (903) 794-3315; by e-mail at [email protected]; or by dropping it off at our office, 101 East Broad St, Texarkana, Ark. Deadline for Saturday publication is noon Wednesday.

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